Saturday, January 30, 2010


assalamualaikum...its been so long i didnt write in this blog..i should bck home at 28th dis but the HEA n HEP doesnt let it..isyh! geram...i wanna 2 go bck bcoz i wanna 2 follow snding my prnts at klia...they went 2 ireland 2 bring bck my sis n mkn angin kt sne...sdeyh gler nk maty...rse mcm idop nie not prfct without them..its hardla...lucky me dat i dont stay at home...but now tgh dlm krinduan yg dad miss both of you...!!!!!!...

P/s : no mood 2 write anythng...2morrow i'll go bck 2 mrsm...bubye

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